Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome to the Intergenerational Community Garden at Saint Mary's...

"God's Moving and so must we!" Joan Manning-Hill

The first Garden Committee meeting was held at Saint Mary's Episcopal Church on Sunday, March 20. Ironically, the first day of Spring. It was a great first meeting filled with questions, and creating a path for St. Mary's, the community and our garden partners.

As we move along, we felt it important to map our journey together.  For some, a garden may to be an unlikely project for a church.  Even more so when churches look around them at the diminishing resources--both financial and in human power.  There appear to be more questions then there are answers.  But isn't that always the way.

But, to quote Cookie Till:  "Gardens bring people together. In a garden seniors can work with teenagers, all toward the same cause--creating something healthy and beautiful."

Next committee meeting March 26 - 10:00am We Build Boxes.